Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Holocaust A Debate on Bioethics free essay sample

A paper which discusses the legitimacy of using the data collected from medical experiments done in Nazi concentration camps The paper explores the arguments of five scholars Robert L. Berger, Benjamin Freedman, Velvl W. Greene, J. Katz and Robert S. Pozos on whether it is ethical to use data collected from experiments done to prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The paper examines which of the five scholars presents the most convincing argument while also presenting significant moral dilemmas related to the subject. During the Nazi regime, certain groups of people were targeted, not only for execution, but also for dehumanization. People such as the Jews and the Sinti and Roma were subjected to treatment more brutal than that of animals. In concentration camps such as Dachau and Aushwitz-Birkenau, inmates were forced to play the parts of guinea pigs in horrific experiments. For example, in Dachau, male prisoners became human subjects in experiments that involved a torturous procedure including being submerged in an ice water bath for periods as long as seven hours. We will write a custom essay sample on Holocaust: A Debate on Bioethics or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The scientists running the tests claimed that the results were going to be applied in the cases of German soldiers suffering from hypothermia. Much of the data from these experiments were recovered and later published raising a bioethical debate concerning whether or not it was appropriate to use such information.